
Big news! One specific group we’ve been wanting to support recently is our high schoolers. One of the biggest obstacles they face is the fact that most of their homework needs to be looked up online, and many don’t have the funds on a regular basis to purchase daily internet packages on their phone. Certain groups in the area don’t currently allow any of the major internet companies to come in and install new connections, but thanks to Starlink satellite internet (self-installed) recently becoming available in Honduras, we’ve finally been able to install Wifi in our classroom!

We are now providing a safe spot for kids to come and work on homework, as well as the supplies (paper, markers, rulers, maps, etc) needed to complete their assignments. Thanks to some iPads recently donated from the Macon County School system, students are able to connect and download all the information they need. Even our psychologist has made good use of this connection, now being able to access certain programs to help support our students with dyslexia. We’re so excited about this new way we can support these hard working students as they keep pressing forward and breaking cycles!


The Difference a Few Years Makes…


Time for Tutoring!