Edmy Perez is a mom of four kids, and has lived the majority of her life in Los Pinos making her very well known in the area. She has 15 years experience working in education, specifically in kindergarten and tutoring programs with other community organizations. She also has received various certifications pertaining to trauma competent care, children’s rights, and courses with with the national teaching university (UPNFM) to further her teaching abilities. Edmy joined our team in 2017 and has been a huge blessing to the ministry as she serves in many different ways. She teaches and cares for the students in our tutoring program, while also serving in whatever way she can - in home visits, reaching out to mothers in need, preparing food for all of our events and programs, and make connections with other nearby organizations. Her heart for children and for single mothers is undeniable, and she truly pours all of her heart and energy into serving her community.