Tutoring Classes Begin in Suntule!
You guys have heard plenty about our tutoring classes and how they’ve made all the difference to keep struggling kids in school and improve their confidence and love of learning, so now I’m excited that we’re expanding those classes into a nearby community, Suntule, where many of our sponsored kids also live. Although only 15 minutes up the mountain, it’s a very rural, very different environment than Los Pinos. The only school is a multi-grade schoolroom with one teacher in charge of 1st-3rd grade and another covering 4th-6th grade. The majority of parents in the community never received an education, many not even able to read or write. So in this community with few other resources and a great need, we’re excited to support students in this way and help them get up to grade level in reading and writing, encouraging them to stay in school and dream way bigger than their parents had the chance to!
Also in line with our community-serving-the-community mindset, we’re excited to welcome a new volunteer, Nicol, who will be helping Edmy with these classes. She is the brightest of the brightest, a recent graduate through our sponsorship program who is always looking for ways to help those with the most need in her community. She has previously been involved in helping us connect with students in need of sponsorship and also organizing new forms of school transportation to and from their rural town. For now she is helping with classroom setup, cleaning and assisting Edmy during her classes, but we expect her role to grow over time, as we can see God has blessed and equipped her greatly for the community work our ministry does.