Adios 2020!

Thank you really is an understatement, but I’ll say it anyway.

Thank you.

Thank you for giving generously and sacrificially through all the ups and downs and surprises this year threw at us. In the beginning of the year, your donations allowed us to help over 150 children from around 75 different families stay in school. Then when the pandemic started, your donations allowed us to donate thousands of pounds of food to vulnerable families, single mom households, and the elderly in this already vulnerable neighborhood. You sent us hundreds of hand made masks to protect the community. Your donations helped keep kids in school as everything became virtual by providing them with internet packages. Your donations funded the emergency lunch program, providing meals for 75+ kids throughout the week during the height of unemployment and desperate hunger caused by the strict lockdown. Your donations allowed us to respond rapidly after the two destructive hurricanes, donating necessities directly to families staying in nearby shelters. Your donations kept this ministry alive and active during the most unpredictable year, allowing us to continue to be God’s hands and feet in this community, and for that I’m am so grateful!

At a time when the whole entire world is struggling financially, your generosity continued and exceeded what we ever could have imagined. Thank you from the bottom from of our hearts, and we wish you a very Merry Christmas with your friends and family!


Back to School 2021


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