More deliveries!

Today was my day out again, so I got a few more deliveries done. We aren’t able to do huge deliveries anymore, but we do take what we can each month and dedicate it to food bags for those who need it most. The last couple of months, we’ve been just making it by with the our budget, but we won’t complain. The majority of people here and around the world are no where close to making ends meet, and I’m hugely thankful that we are able to pay all of our bills and still have leftover to help others.

This month’s bags go to families who even under ideal conditions struggle constantly with hunger : a widowed mom of 6 hungry, growing kids, an elderly woman taking care of her severely handicapped daughter and also her teenage granddaughter who was abandoned at a young age, a single mom of three teenage kids who has been out of work for three months now, and others.

Many times when people comment on their financial situation, I’ve heard people describe the situation saying “I didn’t even light the fogón (wood burning stove) today”. On a normal day, you’d look for firewood early in the morning and keep the fogón lit to make coffee, make tortillas for the day, and cook breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, if you know you have nothing, really NOTHING, there’s no use in lighting the fire at all that day. That’s a kind of hunger few of us have experienced, and the kind of hunger we’re fighting against with these food bags. Thanks for your support!!


Student’s Day


Food Bags Donation